Howdy, Lockdown compadres. Fashion isn’t actually cancelled, but it is on hold ‘til some new relevance rides into town. Style context has been hijacked by the marauding circumstance robber, Covid. There are exceptions. Neckerchiefs and scarves have new, strong importance in lieu of masks, and for me they’ve become significant stylistic expressions.
Since masks became the norm been getting right into scarves worn wrapped around me heed in all sorts of ways. Or carrying them as back up measure, tied on elsewhere, hanging off belts- piratical style. Loosing and forgetting conventional masks gave these moves credibility, but for clarity, I’m really digging them for style motives. Safety disclaimer- its pretty clear a bit of cash/silk mix aint exactly medical legit- this is back up stuff, and and I’ve actually been using a mask inside one of these combined for ‘action’ situations, Roger dat? Meanwhile, got several style M.O.s on the go, and this particular one is a cowboy neckerchief flex.
Reckon neckerchiefs are effectively anything from 50cm up to ‘bout a 1.5m square of fabric. Lovely fabric mind, coloured, patterned and finished beautifully or there’s no point. Check Hèrmes, obvs, (click) but this Mr.Farrier guy above not arrived yet- so this is like editorial you’re reading, of all things. I’ve noted how good these sort of fellas look just worn loose round neck once allowed to drop down off mouth and nose. They’re working with tailoring (when going studio or The Row) but mainly with rugged, supply foraging and walking based get-ups. (Pretty much the only two settings these days- bar training and one other that shall perhaps get to eventually, maybe). Silk scarves drop nicely with winter weight suits, but am digging the cash-mix numbers for knitwear combos. Its a textural thing, but they’re cosier too when out on the range.
Obviously, absolutely every-bloody-body knows there’s been a cute little neckerchief trend been simmering for years, on actual real fellas, too. This craze reached epidemic levels at Pitti over last couple of seasons and ran right through to ‘till Lockdown I. I quite liked it, but weren’t actually for me. Now we’re talking bandito style am in, like Begg flex above. Check Begg X Co for whole flock of wicked scarf action (click) but this Ayr “Viewfield” guy not in yet. He soon come.
Now clocked these things actually sit better if they’re tied to go round fizzog first - also when bit bigger in size. AND when not cliché, or naff pattern choice, too. Personally, never been happy with the knot and ends round the front as was the vogue. Too, too Boy Scout by far. “Dib dib dob dob.. I’m a Pitti-style bod” etc. Exceptions include photographer & style Monger R.Spangle (click). More substantial, matt, luxe-fabric help defuse Scout Nerd/Scout Master nonce factor- so bear that in mind maybe- warmer too, when in full rustle mode.
Knot at back, or just sneaking round one side , is right for my disposition, Do you get me? Anderson&Sheppard have always and still do some really lovely sophis’ affairs (click), like him above.
I found the Hèrmes “Awoooo” cashmere 64cm silk square by British artist Alice Shirley in my Juergen* when scrabbling about looking for a gift for Auntie Betty just before Christmas. AND I BLOODY LOVE IT. Boxed up too! Appazza its AW18 and is connected to Hèrmes watch scene as they made a watch bearing the piece too, would ya believe it? When I put it with the other odd, random couple of bits the universe sent my way I had to reckon them the best haul of presents ever, ever. Now that’s what Im calling luxury pandemic rustling.
Stubbs out.
PS. Is load more ace scarf action to share, so this is far from over, Rover.
* Teller- Cellar.