Hullo Style Mongers- am very interested in comparing the different offers of bespoke and ready to wear. Custom and made to measure too, whatever you wanna call it- its far from black and white or a done deal. This perilously long video explains some of the factors as I see them. If you can get through it, congratulation and stay tuned for when I get this bugger going.
Stubbs out
PS. For the observant among you check the ‘pimp roll’ drag on my left food as exit- affection? No, for once- smash the living shit out of my little toe in over exuberant sprint to the front door on my birthday one best pal came a calling with birthday pattys on board- Man like Stretch McLellan, am blaming you, a little bit. Toe turned out to fractured 3 weeks later when gave up and went Homerton hospital- but thats just another story.